Saturday, July 15, 2006

Tell that crazy lady to put down the camera

Eric is getting very, very sick of the camera. Didn't he know that when you become a new parent you also earn the title of Annoying Shutterbug? Anyways, I started playing around with the digital camera yesterday and I'm really pleased with how well this one came out. I'm thinking that when we really get into redecorating the kitchen, I might do a photo collage wall with black and whites- something we can change as Ryan gets older and I keep taking pictures.
Speaking of the kitchen, I find it ridiculous that one has to take out a second mortgage on their home in order to purchase a decent-sized kitchen trash can that doesn't make the whole house stink, keeps the dog out, and at the same time is designed well enough so that you don't need an anger management class after getting the stupid bag out of the can and trailing garbage behind you.
Ryan's first Westinghouse picnic is today. We might not last too long considering it's hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk (mmm... fried eggs...) but I'll try to get some more cute pictures. By the way, if you're wondering why there are never any pictures of Ryan and Mommy, see the first paragraph of this post for an explanation.


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