I should talk to Webster about aaahhhgggurrr!
It has officially been a year- OK, thirteen months, since I suck at updating- and it's true what they say. It really flies by. I was driving home from daycare today, looking at Ryan (when they have their birthday, you can turn their seat around! it's surprisingly exciting to admire how cute he is while driving! also, rather distracting) and I noticed that he's looking less like a baby and more like a little boy. It's evident in his talking, too. He still mostly babbles, except for "dog," "mama," "dada," and "byebye," but it's sounding more like talking than babbling. I also detect more emotion and purpose to the babbles. Like "aaahhhgggurrrr!" generally means "I got a block stuck in the dinosaur toy, someone come help me!" The little guy has taken a few hesitant steps, but still prefers crawling as it's more efficient.
We're headed to DC in a few weeks to visit my parents. Daycare is closed during my spring break, and I need to finish Connecticut's Official "Screw You and Your Degrees" aka the BEST portfolio. It's going pretty well. The kids are doing a fantastic job and after I showed some of the reflections to my department chair (also a scorer) she said she's confident I'll pass. And Murphy's Law dictates that around the time I find out my Connecticut teaching license is safe, Eric will get the word that we have to move. If that happens, I might have to become the world's first Professional Puppy Cuddler. Will you pay me to do that??