Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Dear Kitty Cat,

Despite what you seem to think, we did not have a baby solely for your enjoyment. The $500 crib is not, in fact, a glorified cat bed, our friends and relatives did not knit all those blankets for you, and Pampers aren't for batting around the house in the middle of the night. We're very sorry this tragic event has made you feel like less of a Princess, but we'd appreciate it if you'd stop leaving your cat hair all over the baby.
Mommy and Daddy

Monday, May 01, 2006

If I weren't already married...

...I would marry this guy. My sister gave us the video and we tried it out this weekend. It's like we traded Ryan in for a new baby! Before he would have happily superglued himself to me, even while sleeping. Last night he slept for 6 hours on his own and he's been napping so long this morning I keep checking to make sure he's still alive. The other big news around here is that he's finally smiling. What a cutie!
I'm going back to work in 2 weeks and I have mixed feelings. On one hand, what will I do without Primetime in the Daytime? The Munchkin and I really bond over daytime TV. On the other hand, I always feel like a useless, non-contributing member of society when I'm not working. It will be nice to get back in the swing if things, and I get to finish Romeo and Juliet, which I love, even if my students don't. As much as they hate the play though, they usually love the Baz Luhrman film. Yeah yeah, I know, William Shakespeare is turning in his grave, but add guns and acid trips to any movie and urban teenagers are glued.